Saturday, May 3, 2008

Koinonia - Celebration

1. Pilgrim's Progression (6:55) [Michael Omartian]
solos: Hadley Hockensmith, Justo Almario
2. Hidden Beauty (4:40) [Harlan Rogers]
solos: Harlan Rogers, Justo Almario
3. Agapao (1:34) [Alex Acuna]
solo: percussion intro Alex Acuna
4. Celebration (6:25) [Alex Acuna, Aberaham Laborieri, Bill Maxwell]
solos: Alex Acuna, Aberaham Laboriel, Bill Maxwell
5. Counttin' The Coast (6:38) [Hadley Hockensmith]
solos: Hadley Hockensmith, Aberaham Laboriel
6. Sno-Cone (5:18) [Albert Collins]
solos: Justo Almario, Harlan Rogers, Aberaham Laboriel, Bill Maxwell, Hadley Hockensmith
7. From You (4:54) [Aberaham Laboriel]
solo: Hadley Hockensmith
8. Goodbye - Means God Be With You (5:28) [Aberaham Laboriel]
solos: Harlan Rogers, Alex Acuna, Aberaham Laboriel
9. All The Time (4:17) [music by Aberaham Laboriel, lyrics by Lyn Laboriel]
lead vocal: Abraham Laboriel / Solo: Harlan Rogers
10. Miracle (4:20) [Hadley Hockensmith]
solo: Justo Almario

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